NBA/柯爾讚熱火球員接受定位 美媒:是在影射波爾、庫明加
已經放假的柯爾(Steve Kerr)、格林(Draymond Green)日前在節目上談論總冠軍賽相關話題,沒想到,柯爾一番言論卻牽扯出了勇士內部問題。
此言一出,引發外界猜測,柯爾是否是在影射,勇士隊內有球員對定位不滿。而灣區媒體《95.7 The Game》主持人偉拉德(Mark Willard)隨後也出面說道,「在我心中沒有疑問,柯爾就是在講波爾(Jordan Poole)和庫明加(Jonathan Kuminga),這兩人整年都在當巨嬰」。他還進一步說明波爾的問題:「我們一直在談論波爾和格林,但我認為不只這樣。很多證據指出,是整個勇士在對抗波爾。」
“There’s no doubt in my mind what Steve’s saying right here. He’s saying that Jordan [Poole] and Jonathan [Kuminga] were being babies all year long!”
— 95.7 The Game (@957thegame) June 5, 2023
- @Mark_T_Willard reading between the lines of Steve Kerr’s comments (via @WillardAndDibs).
"We've made it all about Jordan Poole and Draymond Green. I think it's way bigger than that...There's plenty of evidence that would suggest this is the whole Warriors team against Jordan Poole. It feels like the organization against Poole."
— 95.7 The Game (@957thegame) June 6, 2023
- @Mark_T_Willard on @WillardAndDibs.
除了偉拉德外,另一名主持人史戴爾斯(Allen Stiles)也抱持相同看法,「柯爾基本上就是在告訴波爾和庫明加,如果你不爽的話,就離開球隊。同時,格林無法停止微笑,代表勇士的暑假作業將有好戲可看了。」
Steve Kerr is basically telling Jonathan Kuminga and Jordan Poole if you gon’ pout, get shipped out 😬 while Draymond can’t stop grinning, the Warriors off-season is in full swing 👀
— Allen Stiles (@The_StilesFiles) June 5, 2023
無論兩名主持人所言是否為真,可以確定地是,勇士將面臨一個多事之「夏」,包含格林、湯普森(Klay Thompson)等老將的合約是否延長;對角色不滿的潛力球員庫明加、季後賽表現差勁的波爾該如何處理,都會變成新總管的頭痛課題。